Small Groups

Real life change happens in the context of relationships--small groups.

We all need a place to study the Bible, pray for each other and share our stories with people who will know us personally. Small groups provide the opportunities for us to:

 Connect with one another, Grow together, and Protect one another through prayer, support, and accountability.

Find a group, commit for a season, and experience real life change......


FYI--We use the Church Center APP as a quick access to our Small Groups info

Go here for instructions on how to get it set up

    Resource Groups

    It is important to Advance Church to help you find a resource during a time of bereavement, divorce, dealing with mental health, or learning about your identity in Christ.  Please check out the resource groups below.  They are Advance Church approved!

    • GriefShare

      It hurts to lose someone.

      Find help at GriefShare.  

      GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.  To find a group near you click here.

    • DivorceCare

      DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.  Click here to find a group near you.

    • The Sanctuary Course

      The Sanctuary Course is a study guide for small groups, designed to raise awareness and start conversations in local churches regarding mental health. Your group might include:

      • People with questions about mental health
      • Mental health professionals with a wealth of knowledge to share
      • Leaders who want to engage their community in mental health conversations
      • People supporting loved ones with mental health problems
      • People living with mental health problems

      The Sanctuary Course is for anyone who wants to learn about faith and mental health. It requires no previous training or expertise—just a willingness to engage in dialogue with other believers. This course and films address difficult and sensitive topics, and may not be appropriate for a young audience. It is not recommended for people ages 17 and younger.

    • ZOE Identity Course

      Understanding your part in God's mission is game-changing! It helps you focus your efforts and begin to answer the questions "who am I" and "what am I to do?" Hundreds and hundreds of people have completed the IDENTITY course and it has helped them move forward in life and leadership.

      Perhaps you dream of "something more" in life and long for a renewed sense of purpose. Or maybe you desire to be used by God is ways that matter. The IDENTITY course will help you discern your next best steps and give you confidence to move forward in faith. We would love for you to take the IDENTITY course!  Click here for more information.

      • By the end of the IDENTITY Course, you will have:

        • Defined your unique strengths and spiritual gifts.

        • Examined the topic of women and leadership and analyzed your personal attitudes and/or misgivings towards it.

        • Identified your own pre-understandings related to the Biblical mandate for women in leadership and created a plan for further study as needed.

        • Completed a Leadership Timeline to identify and shared a “Turning Point” in your personal journey.

        • Mapped out your “next steps” for the further personal development.